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Leo quotes | Quotes about Leo | Quotes on Leo | Leo traits |

Since the King of the Jungle is what symbolizes the Leo sung sign, people belonging to this troop are often found to be energetic and driven by the desire to be loved and admired.

A lot of them may be described as optimistic and straight forward. Leo people can sometimes get dominating and impatient. And at times these traits prove to be a bit on the arrogant end for them.

But on the whole, Leo individuals are lovely and expressive people to be surrounded with! So if you know of some Leo, and if you are looking for some quotes or one liners about their traits and facts, find some from here.

Take a look at our collection for the best Leo quotes | Quotes about Leo | Quotes on Leo | Leo traits |

Leo quotes | Quotes about Leo | Quotes on Leo | Leo traits |

  1. They are always aware of the shady shit that’s going on around them.
  2. A Leo’s anger is one loud nuclear disaster.
  3. If you want a good argument, start one with a Leo.
  4. Being different is what a Leo loves.
  5. What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear.
  6. Leos get irritated by people who are all talks but no action.
  7. I’m not a bitch. I’m a Leo.
  8. When all else fails, Leo turns on their favorite tunes and says, chuck it!
  9. They will act normal, but sooner or later you’ll see them standing out of the crowd and being the center of attention.
  10. A Leo can get away with murder with their charm and smile.
  11.  Leos don’t have any use for people who are all about that bullshit.
  12. Leo is both a kind and gentle person and a strong and secure person.
  13. Giving advise to them is totally pointless, they do what they want anyway.
  14. Leos get shit done.
  15. Everytime I put my pride to the side, somebody shows me why I shouldn’t have.
  16.  The tough one.
  17. Leos are human lie detectors.
  18. As a Leo if something is bothering them, sometimes they prefer to be alone to figure it out.
  19. The Generous leader.
  20. Join sides with Leo and you can’t go wrong. They will always go to war for you.
  21. They are pretty self reliant and hate asking for favors. They’d much rather get things on their own.
  22. If a Leo wants the spotlight, they know how to make it theirs.
  23. One does not simply handle a Leo.
  24. Leos think and act bigger than others would normally dare.
  25. Caught between a strong mind a fragile heart.
  26. Leos are the TOTAL package.
  27. Dominant exterior but has a lovable and relatable personality.
  28. A Leo’s mind will always be ten steps ahead of yours.
  29. A Leo’s emotional state is written all over their face.
  30. Trust that when a Leo loves you, they will do anything for you.

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