Motivation, People

59 Famous Quotes by Bob Dole

Best Bob Dole Quotes

Bob Dole is an American politician and former member of U.S. House of Representation as well as U.S. Senate from Kansas. He was the Republican Party’s candidate for the presidency. Here are some of the top quotes by Bob Dole.

Bob Dole Quotes

  1. “Think I’ll win. Could be big.” - Bob Dole
  2. “Something is wrong with America. I wonder sometimes what people are thinking about or if they’re thinking at all.” - Bob Dole
  3. “At least she’s the president of something, which is more than I can say.” - Bob Dole
  4. “You know, a better man for a better America. That’s sort of our slogan.” - Bob Dole
  5. “He told me to grow up and make the best of what I have.” - Bob Dole
  6. “No more verbally incomprehensible no more devoid of the vision thing and no more the cautious pragmatist proudly displaying the virtues of tradition and the advantages of biological seniority.” - Bob Dole
  7. “You feel a little older in the morning. By noon I feel about 55.” - Bob Dole
  8. “I am announcing my economic program for America’s renewal — a program that will return economic growth, rising living standards and prosperity for all Americans to the center of our policy.” - Bob Dole
  9. “I mean, people say, ‘If I’d have ever known you were like that, I’d have voted for you,’ or, ‘I saw your commercial, I like it. It’s funny’ or whatever … I hope they remember the product.” - Bob Dole
  10. “Our intent will not be to create gridlock. Oh, except maybe from time to time.” - Bob Dole
  11. “Elizabeth’s back at the red cross, and I’m walking the dog.” - Bob Dole
  12. “If something happened along the route and you had to leave your children with Bob Dole or Bill Clinton, I think you would probably leave them with Bob Dole.” - Bob Dole
  13. “That drug use is wrong and that drugs kill.” - Bob Dole
  14. “If we added up the killed and wounded from the Democrat wars in this country, it would be about 1.6 million Americans” - Bob Dole
  15. “This can be a living memorial… long after the TV is gone and long after we move on to the next event. By this effort, these young people … will understand that somebody, somebody in America cared enough to make a contribution, to make it possible for them to pursue their dreams.” - Bob Dole
  16. “Senator Dole sponsored an ad today that said, ‘If you’re going to talk about a man’s record, talk about the whole record.’” - Bob Dole
  17. “I think it’s pretty obvious the model for victory is the Ronald Reagan model” - Bob Dole
  18. “There is life after losing. There are things you can do with your life that can make a difference.” - Bob Dole
  19. “Won every battle, except the battle against time.” - Bob Dole
  20. “Life is very important to Americans.” - Bob Dole
  21. “There is scarcely anyone who believes that the required 67 senators would vote to convict the president on any of the four articles of impeachment approved by the House Judiciary Committee.” - Bob Dole
  22. “If we only had more time.” - Bob Dole
  23. “At my age you find yourself looking back from time to time and you begin to appreciate some of the things that happened to you.” - Bob Dole
  24. “I think the voters believe that when you become president of the United States, you have a higher obligation and a higher standard than anybody in the world, … And if you violate that standard, they’re going to remember it on election day.” - Bob Dole
  25. “Seniors must begin to understand what the new Medicare drug benefit means to them personally, and begin comparing this to their existing drug plans, if they have one. The existing plans may include Medicaid, the VA, unions, employers or state pharmacy assistance prescription drug programs, … If they don’t know how these compare, they need to start asking thoughtful questions because they will soon have to decide whether or not the Medicare plan is better than their other options. Before long they will have to make an important choice.” - Bob Dole
  26. “If I were present in the Senate I would vote for ratification of the CWC Chemical Weapons Convention because of the many improvements that have been agreed to” - Bob Dole
  27. “Private citizens say all kinds of things all the time. Next question.” - Bob Dole
  28. “We got the across-the-board cut and the kiddy credit, and those are the two most important things to sell to voters, … But there are a number other proposals in the economic plan that will appeal to businesses as well.” - Bob Dole
  29. “They’re going to have a choice of at least two plans if their plan they have now is better, well, they may not want to change. But a lot of people are going to (see) big, big benefits” - Bob Dole
  30. “The Brooklyn Dodgers had a no hitter last night.” - Bob Dole
  31. “Having been in Congress, you know that’s part of our responsibility the constituent has a problem, … We’re supposed to write back and say, ‘Well I can’t do anything’ That’s not what they elect you for.” - Bob Dole
  32. “I have … been uplifted by the extraordinary power of the American heart — by those armies of compassion, who are willing to cross town or cross the globe to minister to those they’ve never met and will never see again.” - Bob Dole
  33. “Provides the best opportunity to put the people of Kosovo on a course of self-rule and liberty.” - Bob Dole
  34. “My philosophy of life is when you get up the ladder you want to reach back and give someone a hand, just like someone did for you years before. They are wonderful role models and the very personification of caring.” - Bob Dole
  35. “Those who cultivate moral confusion for profit should understand this: we will name their names and shame them as they deserve to be shamed.” - Bob Dole
  36. “But I do understand that the purpose of a reporter’s privilege is not to somehow elevate journalists above other segments of society. Instead, it is designed to help guarantee that the public continues to be well-informed.” - Bob Dole
  37. “America and its allies and friends around the world can no longer tolerate Saddam’s repeated attempts to erode the restraints that have been placed on his regime, and to violently reassert his authority” - Bob Dole
  38. “This is not a Florida election. This is a national election, … Democrats control the election apparatus of 47 of 67 counties in Florida. They’re about to give us the double whammy here.” - Bob Dole
  39. “As someone with a long record of government service,” - Bob Dole
  40. “Providing seniors with the peace of mind that they will be able to get the medicine they need, when they need it, as well as offer extra assistance to pay for it … is what this new Medicare Benefit has to offer, … It is important that seniors understand we are talking about a dependable, government-underwritten program that will be a major pillar of Medicare going forward.” - Bob Dole
  41. “I think it’s time to do something, … I don’t believe any political pressure, economic, any kind of pressure will work.” - Bob Dole
  42. “For me, it was also a good time to reflect on World War II because some of my relatives who were in Chicago lived through that awful war. As former Sen. Bob Dole also reminded me the other day, it’s hard to believe it’s been nearly 60 years since the end of the war. No, …” - Bob Dole
  43. “We know smoking tobacco is not good for kids, but a lot of other things aren’t good. Drinking’s not good. Some would say milk’s not good.” - Bob Dole
  44. “We’re trying to get good pictures. Don’t worry very much about what I say.” - Bob Dole
  45. “Since President Clinton took office, the number of 12- to 17-year-olds using marijuana has almost doubled,” - Bob Dole
  46. “I lost in ’96, in case the word hadn’t trickled out, and so I made a few commercials.” - Bob Dole
  47. “The White House is not being very clever in how it takes on our plan, … In fact the White House is being sloppy. They are taking everything Bob Dole has ever said we ought to do regarding taxes and adding all of those things up and saying it will cost 800 billion.” - Bob Dole
  48. “We need to reach out and make sure that everyone who should benefit will benefit,” - Bob Dole
  49. “Now we meet in the birthplace of American liberty to renew our social contract. We look to Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney to raise our sights, and to restore honor and civility to our public life.” - Bob Dole
  50. “As Americans, we need to be concerned not only about another humanitarian tragedy for the Kurds of Iraq, but also about the potential resurgence of Saddam Hussein as a menace to the peace and stability of this vital region,” - Bob Dole
  51. “I look at the slowest growth in a century. He inherited a growth of 4.7 to 4.8 percent, and now it’s down to about 2.4 percent. We’re going to pass a million bankruptcies for the first time in history. We’ve got stagnant wages,” - Bob Dole
  52. “A lot of people are going to see a big, big benefit.” - Bob Dole
  53. “Tonight I am honored to speak for these voiceless heroes and for their comrades who survived the deadliest war ever inflicted on the human family, … Whatever we may be today as a nation, it is because many generations of Americans were willing to make the greatest of sacrifices.” - Bob Dole
  54. “In taking responsibility for his actions and making this difficult decision despite other options for payment, Speaker Gingrich has yet again shown himself to be a man of integrity. As a senior leader of the Republican party, I am pleased that our highest-ranking elected official has chosen to set an example of accountability and ethics for the nation through his words and his actions. … I consider this not only an opportunity to support a friend, but a long-term investment in the future of our party.” - Bob Dole
  55. “The internet is a great way to get on the net.” - Bob Dole
  56. “We are excited about the direction of this campaign,” - Bob Dole
  57. “You don’t go out and hurt somebody’s feelings. We have opponents and not enemies in this business.” - Bob Dole
  58. “This is what America’s all about, nobody’s being hurt … they have a right to express themselves, … I watched all the television I could on Miami-Dade and I didn’t see anybody being shoved around.” - Bob Dole
  59. “They should have told him that the fence he fell through on a campaign stop was not a metaphor. He should’ve gotten back up and dove in again, like Pearl Jam. He would have gotten the young vote, the MTV vote…” - Bob Dole

Above were some of the quotes by Bob Dole, if you have more quotes by Bob Dole do share the same in the comments section.

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