Happiness, Inspiration, Life, Love, Motivation, Zodiac sign

Quotes according to Zodiac sign | Zodiac quotes |

For each Zodiac sign, there is something which describes their strength as well as their weaknesses. And the is for their quotes! We have picked up a few quotes for each zodiac sign, that match their traits and habits. SO in short, the quotes summarizes their attitude and self.

Take a look at our list down for the Quotes according to Zodiac sign | Zodiac quotes |

Quotes according to Zodiac sign | Zodiac quotes |

1.Aries: She’s the girl with a fairy tale face but her mouth screams like wolf!

2. Taurus: Her eyes weren’t as beautiful as the stars, her eyes were as beautiful as her heart.

3. Gemini: I feel like I’m living in this constant state of too much and not enough, like the days are passing by too fast and too slow and I’m always either overwhelmed or empty.

4. Cancer: You have galaxies inside your head, stop letting people tell you, you cannot shine.

5. Leo: She needed a hero, so that’s what she became.

6. Virgo: May be she was unreadable because she didn’t want to be read.

7. Libra: I’m almost never serious, and I’m always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I’m like a collection of paradoxes.

8. Scorpio: You wake every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, that my love, is bravery.

9. Sagittarius: Before I am your daughter, your sister, you aunt, niece or cousin, I am my own person and I will not set fire to myself to keep your warm.

10. Capricorn: But you see there is a graveyard in my mouth, filled with words that died on my lips.

11. Aquarius: Maybe she isn’t your sun but she’s your moon, appearing in your darkest nights, never too soon.

12. Pisces: Her eyes were pure stars and her fingers if they touch you freeze you to the bone.

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